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Un patch pour Shadowrun par LorHan le 26-07-2007 à 13:54

Si vous avez lancé Shadowrun dernièrement, vous avez pu remarquer que le jeu s'est updaté. Au programme, des bots un peu plus intelligents, des méchants crashs éradiqués, et le plus important pour la fin; la réduction des temps d'accès lorsque l'on rejoint une partie. FASA annonce une vitesse accrue de 200% à 300% !
Voici la liste complète en Anglais:

Major updates

* Implemented improvements to matchmaking. We expect a 200-300% improvement in wait times. We've also added clearer status messaging.
* Improved sync times. When a new player joins a game, the synching wait will be reduced.
* Made changes to improve party system. Parties should be split less now, and when splitting is absolutely necessary, we attempt to regroup the party later.
* You may now use the artifact to clear bodies in Attrition.
* Fixed some potential exploit issues. No, we're not going to elaborate on this.


* Fixed various issues that could result in soft locks or crashes.
* Fixed a problem that could cause game to be stuck at sync screen indefinitely.
* Fixed a problem with the Unstoppable achievement. And there was much rejoicing.
* Smartlink HUD will now show up with controllers #2, #3, and #4.
* Players won't get kicked for inactivity if they're still in the lobby when the game starts.
* You should be less likely to cycle to a small version of a map if you have a lot of players.
* Fixed some errors in localized text for Japanese, Korean, and Chinese.
* You should get clearer feedback when attempting to join a full game via the guide.
* Changed some of the achievement descriptions to make goals clearer.
* Dwarf hint text is now correct. (They CAN be unawared - just not headshotted.)


* Bots on Dig Site are not so determined to kill themselves in the Sacrifice Pit now.
* Bots in Raid games will emphasize flag pickup towards the end of rounds.
* Bots should no longer be so fascinated with walls.
* Bots no longer look at a flag carrier that can't be seen rather than threats that can be seen.
* Public match fill bots should now support the team better.

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