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PoP 3 : le speed kill en vidéo, images et interview par Sam Fisher |
le 28-10-2005 à 15:37 |
On reparle un peu de Prince of Persia 3 et, en particulier, du système speed kill. Les images ci-dessous l'illustrent. Pour en savoir plus sur ce système, vous pouvez lire une interview en anglais dans la suite et le dossier sur la présentation chez Ubi, lors de laquelle nous avons pu voir le jeu tourner et l'essayer. Tout cela en mouvement dans les nombreuses vidéos que nous vous proposons et en particulier dans la dernière en date.  Prince of Persia 3 : Dev’diary 4 – combats (low) (wmv, 5.3 Mo) Prince of Persia 3 : Dev’diary 4 – combats (high) (zip, 26.1 Mo)
Speed Kill System & Free Form Fighting Why did you develop the new Speed Kill System for POPT2T?
In POPT2T, the Prince is back in Babylon and finds his city ravaged by war. He soon becomes a fugitive in his hometown, hunted by the large and relentless invading army. The Prince must adapt his fighting skills to this new situation. The Speed Kill System is the perfect answer to this overwhelming situation.
Can you describe the Speed Kill System? Are there any differences between the Prince and Dark Prince? The Speed Kill System is a brand new gameplay system. It allows you to perform very dramatic moves that take your enemy down in a single attack. We’ve designed this gameplay for both the Prince and the Dark Prince, with differences linked to their distinct personalities. The Speed Kill System for the Prince requires excellent timing and reflexes but is hugely rewarding. The Dark Prince Speed Kill is based on a fast paced sequence of actions which reflect his violent and sadistic personality. Both styles will be challenging and rewarding for the players.
The Speed Kill System seems to give a huge advantage to the Prince and Dark Prince against this army. How will the guards react to these new skills?
This new system made us rethink the whole AI of the enemies in the game. Patrolling enemies will be able to detect the Prince, attracting the attention of nearby guards to help attack the Prince. We also added the Sand Gate system which allows a special guard, called the Sand Gate guard, to call for reinforcements if the Prince is detected. If it happens, the Prince will have to use the FFF System to fight his enemies.
Will the players be able to use the Speed Kill System against the bosses?
We’ve designed this system for every kind of enemy: from the patrolling guards to the mighty bosses. The Prince will have to adapt his Speed Kill to each enemy and each situation. Be sure that the Speed Kill System will show some impressive and athletic moves against even the mightiest of the Prince’s foes! What happens if the player misses a Speed Kill?
If the player fails a Speed Kill, enemies detect him and start attacking him or even calling for reinforcements. In these cases, the player has two options: - he can use his Time Powers and rewind time to try the Speed Kill again - he can fight enemies using the Free Form Fighting System.

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