Astuces et codes


NBA Live 06 (360) : Codes par Max73 le 01-02-2007 à 14:51

Codes à entrer dans le menu "codes" :

2J9UWABNP1 2005-2006 Western Conference All-Star Jersey
XCVB5387EQ 2005-2006 East All-Star Away uniform
PSDF90PPJN 2005-2006 Pacer Away Uniform
SDF786WSHW 2005-2006 Pacer Home Uniform
DRI239CZ49 Adidas A3 Garnett 3 Shoe
ACHOU7820J Boston Celtics St Patricks Day Jersey
SKL29FXLK8 Chicago Bulls St Patricks Day Jersey
JZ3CARTVY S. Carter 3 Shoe
HGS83KP234P T-Mac 5 White Shoe
258SHQW95B T-Mac Black Shoe
RBKAIUSAB7 Unlocks The Answer
193KSHU88J Unlocks the Boston Celtics alternate away uniform.
9922NVDKVT Unlocks the Cleveland Cavaliers alternate away uniform.
XWETJK72FC Unlocks the Denver Nuggets alternate away uniform.
JANTWIKBS6 Unlocks the Detroit Pistons alternate red uniform.
654NNBFDWA Unlocks the Sacramento Kings alternate gold uniform.

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